Secure Cloud

With businesses very often working on the move, how can you afford not to remain connected to the applications you need when you’re out of the office? Mobile working used to use VPN private networking to connect to your own local network to use the applications and data for your business. This may have involved a great deal of expense in terms of secure networking, IT equipment, and data centres with their own infrastructure costs. The Cloud has evolved to the extent that it often provides better security than your own local IT can provide. In addition, by hosting your own applications and data in the Cloud, you can take advantage of massively reduced expenditure, and only pay for what you use. Seasonal businesses have a lot to gain from the cloud. Christmas and New Year can be a busy time if you’re a retail business. At other times these businesses might only have a fraction of that work. Cloud hosting can provide more IT power to help your business when it needs it, and means that when there are less busy periods you don’t have to pay for the processing power that you’re not using.


In today’s world, businesses are increasingly concerned about the security of their data, needing to guarantee the privacy of their data, especially customer details that are often targeted by hackers. Businesses also need to prove that they are compliant with data security legislation.

The Cloud offers much more security now than many businesses own local IT. There have been independent audits that have proven that hosting data in the cloud is more secure than keeping it locally, and has proven to be far more cost effective as well. We are able to offer SecurID authentication,

Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA)

Security is often no more involved than providing a user id and a password. This is now seen to be extremely poor, as passwords often chosen by people are too simple for hackers to crack. Multi-Factor Authentication involves several different methods to prove the identity of an individual. Depending upon the sensitivity of the data more complex authentication might be required, for example …

Tresorit-reseller-logoSecure Cloud Storage

Your valuable data can be kept secure and available at all times in the cloud…

Strategic Hosting

Strategic hosting is used by many of the worlds must successful businesses because of the many benefits that it has to offer. In todays global market it pays to have a presence throughout the world. Very few businesses can afford the investment needed to …

timico-partners-logoEnterprise Private Cloud (EPC)

Enterprise Private Cloud (EPC) is a complete, hosted IT infrastructure built around VMware’s vSphere virtualisation platform. It utilises a dedicated, high performance hardware managed Solution at a Tier 3+ data centre. EPC combines many of the benefits typically associated with cloud hosting solutions but with the enhanced control, security and guaranteed performance features demanded by many enterprises.

Whilst there are a range of providers vying to offer virtual servers on hosted infrastructure, many businesses are still concerned about the potential performance and security implications of using multi-tenanted platforms and see this as a significant barrier to adoption. EPC from the right Hosting Company provides a single tenant computing platform that offers the level of guaranteed resources and isolation necessary for businesses that need to conform to stringent internal policies and regulatory requirements. EPC also offers your IT administrator granular control over your virtualisation platform, utilising the full vSphere management client rather than a simplified portal that obscures much of the detail from them. Providing a private hosted network for each EPC customer on the Cisco switching infrastructure. Multiple VLANs are used to segment management, vMotion, internet and other traffic types into separate logical networks. Connecting your EPC securely to the rest of your IT resources can be handled in a number of ways including a managed IPsec VPN or dedicated Ethernet connection. Alternatively if an existing PWAN customer, it can easily integrate EPC into your network.Enterprise-private-cloud-logo If you are already using vSphere in-house, EPC can be used as a disaster recovery solution, allowing you to bring virtual machines quickly back into production with the minimum amount of disruption following a major outage at your primary site. Rather than your business going through the cycle of a large capital investment in hardware every three or five years, EPC is based on an ongoing monthly rental charge which can be tailored to your exact requirements. With continued investment in the data centre facilities to ensure that the hardware will always keep pace with current requirements. Enterprise Private Cloud – Synopsis
  • Computing, storage, network and hypervisors are all fully managed

  • You have complete control over the configuration of your virtual machines using native VMware tools

  • Dedicated blade servers provide physical isolation from other customers

  • Additional blades and storage can easily be added as resource requirements increase

  • Best of breed infrastructure from Cisco & EMC is suited to demanding business applications

  • All virtual machines are backed up using specialist software from Veeam

  • Most aspects of the solution can be tailored to your exact requirements

  • Suitable to use as either a primary or disaster recovery environment

Amazon Web Services (AWS)

AWS is a secure cloud based services platform that offers considerable secure computer power, vast storage and content delivery. It is being used by many of the most successful businesses, for example Adobe, Autodesk, BMW, Lamborghini, British Gas, Channel 4, Citrix, NASA, Nasdaq, the National Trust … the list is endless. These companies all take advantage of being able to greatly reduce their IT expenditure, knowing that the performance will be there when they need it, secure in the knowledge that their data is safe and will always be available whenever and wherever they need it.

Microsoft Azure

Microsoft Azure is now being used by many of the most successful businesses to integrate their Microsoft Windows Servers with their Windows PC’s, phones and other portable devices such as Surface. Their use of Microsoft applications such as Office 365 are integrated to the extent that a single logon is all they need to be able use them anywhere, whether in the office or out on the road.